Find out what marmomac 2025 was like in Brazil
Marmomac 2025 took place between the 18th and 20th of February, having its first edition in Brazil, located in São Paulo. Bringing another opportunity to explore...
Veja o que foi Destaque e Tendência do Maior Evento do Setor de Rochas Ornamentais
A Marmomac 2025 aconteceu entre os dias 18 e 20 de fevereiro, tendo sua primeira edição no Brasil, localizada em...
A whitish colored rock is observed, with a massive structure, granolepidoblastic texture, fine to medium granulation, consisting basically of recrystallized quartz. Mylonitised rock, with deformed quartz crystals. Many fractures are seen cutting through the...
What is Cristallo Vitro?
Cristallo Vitro is a high-purity white quartz, extracted from zoned pegmatites and classified as filon quartz. Its monomineralic structure and predominantly quartz-based composition ensure a compact, translucent material with subtle ice-toned...